Our Top 7 Over 70 honourees continue to make waves across the continent. Case in point? Marjorie Zingle was just featured in a Wall Street Journal article called “Why High-Powered People Are Working in Their 80s.” As the article by Callum Borchers notes, “The first thing to know about people who shun retirement to work past age 80 is that they are probably busier, and possibly cooler, than you.”
Borchers notes that a growing number of 80-somethings are breaking age barriers, pointing to Harrison Ford releasing a new Indiana Jones movie at 80, Jane Goodall continuing her world-famous work with chimpanzees at age 89 and U.S. president Joe Biden eyeing re-election at age 80.
The article also quotes Zingle — an 87-year-old female tech powerhouse who says she keeps working and creating companies to prove any doubters wrong.
As reported earlier this year, Zingle continues to lead the charge in shattering stereotypes by starting another new tech business called DHSecure, targeting hackers and protecting clients from online attacks.
“I’ve started another business based on technology and I’m over 80; I’m actually 87. And, why not? says Zingle. “If you can do something, why not do it?”
At 81, Zingle received one of the inaugural Top 7 Over 70 awards six years ago for her work as CEO and founder of DataHive. She’s believed to be the only woman in the world to own a data centre 100 per cent on her own, making significant contributions to the internet in Alberta.
There’s no shortage of older adults accomplishing remarkable things in our community, she notes, and any program that shines the spotlight on these achievements can provide welcome inspiration to an aging population.
Calgary’s Top 7 Over 70 program does just that. If you’d like to support us, please check out the sponsorship opportunities here or call Emily Hilman at 403-835-9375 or Monica Zurowski at 403-875-1222 .
Read the Wall Street Journal article here: Why High-Powered People Are Working in Their 80s